Calling All Musicians!
Are you interested in showcasing local musical culture and creating a lively ambiance at ports of entry in the Cayman Islands?
The Cayman Department of Tourism is looking for vibrant musicians to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for travelers at the Owen Roberts International Airport and the Royal Watler Cruise Terminal.
The purpose of this document is to solicit proposals for contracted services in regard to musical performers for ports of entry into the Cayman Islands for a period of 2 years.
The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism (CIDOT) manages tourism in the Cayman Islands. CIDOT seeks to enhance its tourism product and provide Caymankind experiences to our visitors from the moment they arrive to our shores. At all ports of entry in the Cayman Islands, musical entertainment is provided to enhance the visitor’s experience.
On behalf of the Cayman Islands Government, The Department of Tourism (CIDOT) is seeking applications for musical performers at the Ports of Entry in the Cayman Islands.
Initial contract term will be 1 June 2024 - 31 May 2026. Contract extension period is 3 months.
The tendering exercise will be divided into two [2] Stages.
Stage One [1] - Mandatory Requirements (Pre-Qualification):
Prequalification documents should include:
- Completion of prequalification questionnaire provided at the link here:
- Written personal statement.
- Provide a clean police record.
- Written professional references.
- Proof of valid driver’s license.
All the above can be completed and submitted at the link here:
Candidates who have successfully met the criteria in Stage One [1] will be shortlisted and invited to audition for the Consultant will be required to participate in:
Stage Two [2] - Shortlisting & Auditions
Successful candidates will be shortlisted and will be invited to play at an organized performance for a panel of judges.
Judging of musical performance will be based on:
- Presentation (physical attire and preparation)
- Energy (enjoyment and intensity)
- Harmony (melody and pitch)
- Crowd Engagement
- Consistency (maintaining the pace, melody and intensity)
- Technical Skill
- Transitioning (how smoothly the performers transitioned through each piece)
The prequalification documents must contain hourly rates for musician services.
The hourly rate for the services should not exceed $25.62 Cayman Islands Dollars per hour.
Criteria for selecting the successful Musician will be on the following basis:
- Relevant Prior Experience
- Scoring of all documentation submitted in Stage One [1]
Submissions received after the deadline (19 April 2024 at 5:00pm) will not be accepted.
All proposals should be submitted via the form link or emailed to
Alternatively, the required documentation can be delivered to the attention of the Procurement Team at the Department of Tourism, 3rd Floor, Government Administration Building, 133 Elgin Ave by 19 April 2024 at 5:00pm.
Apply Now!